Sunday, June 10, 2012

Group Search iNquiry Attention Governor

The worst thing to happen to a potential group member is for them to submit an inquiry to a group, and hear nothing. No email, no phone call, no nothing. How demoralizing that would be, especially for those who are hesitant to join your groups as it is.

With the goal of not letting anyone slip through the cracks, the iNquiry Attention Governor was created.

Quite simply, the NAG system will escalate emails to Group and Organization leaders based on the recorded interaction with inquirers. There is one set of rules for inquiries which have been set to contacted, and another set of rules for inquiries which have not.

The following table will list when a NAG email will be sent, and to whom:

Inquiry State Email Sent To Whom
Not Contacted ~24 hours post Inquiry submission The primary Group Leader contact
The primary Organization Leader contact
Not Contacted ~2 days post Inquiry submission The primary Group Leader contact
The primary Organization Leader contact
Not Contacted ~3 days post Inquiry submission The primary Organization Leader contact
Contacted ~9 days post Inquiry submission The primary Group Leader contact
The primary Organization Leader contact
Contacted ~13 days post Inquiry submission The primary Group Leader contact
The primary Organization Leader contact
Contacted ~20 days post Inquiry submission The primary Organization Leader contact

Once an inquiry is cancelled or an invite is generated, no further NAG emails are sent for that inquiry.

Future revisions will allow Organization Leaders to customize the rules for their needs.

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