This release contains some tweaks to the Group Search feature, some usability optimizations, and some bug fixes
Reorganized and styled Leader Site Actions |
- Adjusted Organization Leader and Group Leader site
As new features are added to, they clutter up the navigation on the main Organization Leader and Group Leader Sites. We have attempted to clear this up by restyling the main action links on those pages, and then categorizing them into more understandable groupings.
- Member Site Rolodex links to Google Maps
Now when looking up an address for a group member, from the member site rolodex, you can now click on the Google Map links to see where they live and use all of the rest of Google Map's tools to get there!
- Group Picture for Group Search
To customize each group's listing on the group search, groups may now upload a picture representing their group which will be displayed when a user clicks on more details for a group.
- Organization Leaders can now edit details of a group from the Organization Leader Site
Organization leaders used to have to go to a group and edit the group from the Group Leader Site. Now, Organization Leaders can edit many details about a group without leaving the Organization Leader site.
Ability for Organization Leader to edit Groups |
- Groups can be hidden from Group Search
Some groups may not be interested in advertising their presence via the Group Search. Organization leaders may decide whether to hide any given group from being shown in the Group Search. In addition, any groups marked as 'sensitive' are also not shown in the Group Search.
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