Friday, September 14, 2012

Group Search Enhancements...

Based on Feedback from Chase Oaks Church's use of the Group Search, we have made some improvements and some tweaks.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Some email process and format changes...

All email addresses must now be verified before use

One of the unique design decisions we made for is to base all sign ups on families, and not on individual users. We feel that, for most small group logistics, it is the family signing up to participate, whether that be for little league, scouting, or study groups.

When families accept invites to join an group, only one participant in that family usually accepts the invite, which allows us to ensure that family members email address was correct (how else would that family member have accepted the email based invite?). This left any other participant email addresses in that family unverified, that is, we were not sure that email address was correct.